How to Make Your Employees Your First Line of Cyber Defense?

How to Make Your Employees Your First Line of Cyber Defense?
Humans naturally want to avoid dangerous situations. The irony, of course, is that you have to be ready to face those same threats if you want to achieve any kind of security.
You are well aware of this as the decision-maker for your company. You’re just as secure as your weakest link, though, no matter how many professionals or reliable cybersecurity tools your company has on staff. Your own people remain the one group that can unintentionally let in undesirable threat actors.
For your First Line of Defense, Security has to Come Naturally.
You need competent staff if your company is to prosper. They are, after all, your source of originality, creativity, and inventiveness. They are, yet, also human. Humans are also fallible. Because they know that nobody is flawless, hackers specifically look for ways to take advantage of that.
This is the reason your staff needs to take on the role of your first line of protection against online attacks. They must, however, acquire the skills necessary to protect themselves against hacker betrayal in order to do so. In such cases, security awareness training (SAT) is useful.
What is Security Awareness Training (SAT)?
Security of your staff and company is the main goal of an SAT program. Showing conformity, though, is the real advantage. While program content varies, most of them require your staff to watch pre-recorded videos, review generic presentations, and complete exams on cyber “hygiene.” Fundamentally, SAT programs are meant to support you in:
- Teach your staff how to identify ransomware and phishing, two examples of cybersecurity hazards just to ensure the right enhancement of cyber defense.
- Reduce the amount of cyber threats that your company is exposed to.
- To enhance the cyber defense, uphold legal adherence to cyber insurance requirements.
These are all admirable objectives that will support your company in thriving in the face of always-changing cyber threats. Reaching these goals, meanwhile, can seem unattainable. The reason for such is the sad reality that most SAT programs are ineffective.
Age-Old SAT Challenges
For a long time, traditional SAT tests have drawn criticism for failing to produce significant behavioral changes. Indeed, 69% of workers acknowledge “intentionally bypassing” the cybersecurity advice provided by their company.
If you manage cybersecurity for a company, you probably know how difficult it can be to set up, maintain, and promote the use of one. Because of their complexity, traditional SAT solutions essentially make non-technical staff members full-time technologists.
Challenges for Administrators | Challenges for Employees | Challenges for Your Organization |
Continuing, complicated management irritates. Moreover, they merely discover subpar outcomes throughout it all. | Boredom has gripped them. Content that is unengaging does not help one retain knowledge. Retaining knowledge is not aided by dry, uninteresting material. | Because generalists, not true cybersecurity professionals, developed most SATs, they are ineffective. And many have little reporting features built in, which makes it difficult to see success rates. |
Usually written off as a means to an end, SAT programs are difficult to administer. Just mark a box to indicate compliance and carry on. When done properly, though, SAT may be a powerful instrument for assisting your staff in making more informed, instinctual, and security-conscious decisions.
Hence, in order to upscale your cyber defense to the optimum level, you sincerely need to upgrade your current employees, who are actually your First Line of Cyber Defense.
Before Selecting Your SAT Answer, Ask the Correct Questions
You should first ask yourself some questions before deciding which option is best for your company. You will be more qualified to choose the solution that most closely matches your particular requirements if you evaluate the following.
Learning-Based Questions
- Do the subjects this SAT covers have a bearing on the security and compliance issues facing my company?
- Do episodes get updates often to represent threats and situations that exist now?
- Is there a special, significant way that this SAT engages users?
- Are cybersecurity professionals the ones who created and supported this SAT?
- Is there evidence that the teaching approach improves information retention?
Organizational Questions
- Can I get the SAT managed for me by someone outside of my company?
- Is it deployable fast?
- Is administration automated and are new users enrolled automatically?
- Is it intelligent enough not to include non-human identities in my training of, say, our copy machine?
- Can everybody in my company utilize it easily and intuitively?
You can confidently say “Yes” to all of the above with your ideal SAT.
Things are Changing in the Threat Landscape. That Should Change Your SAT.
Cybercriminals are cunning and purposefully target people at companies just like yours. You must therefore make sure that your staff members are smarter. They can be your first defense if they know the constantly evolving strategies hackers use. You must, however, first implement a reliable training program supported by actual cybersecurity specialists who are aware of new risks in the real world.
The simple, practical, and entertaining CRAW Security Awareness Training helps:
- Reducing time-consuming administration and maintenance chores
- Enhanced memory retention via the application of neuroscience-based learning concepts
- Inform yourself and your staff of the state of threats today.
- Build a cybersecurity-valuing culture.
- Motivate significant behavioral patterns to raise security consciousness
- Inspire and stimulate both you and your staff.
- Guarantee legal adherence
Say goodbye to ineffective, outdated training. Say hello to Craw Security Cyber Security Awareness Training now by calling their hotline mobile number +91-9513805401.
About The Author:
Yogesh Naager is a content marketer who specializes in the cybersecurity and B2B space. Besides writing for the News4Hackers blog, he’s also written for brands including CollegeDunia, Utsav Fashion, and NASSCOM. Naager entered the field of content in an unusual way. He began his career as an insurance sales executive, where he developed an interest in simplifying difficult concepts. He also combines this interest with a love of narrative, which makes him a good writer in the cybersecurity field. In the bottom line, he frequently writes for Craw Security.