According to Google, an Italian spyware organization is hacking into various iOS and Android devices

A Google report has shown that the RCS Lab spyware utilizes familiar exploits to compromise individual user databases.
According to a Google blog post last Thursday, Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has tracked down an Italian vendor known as RCS Lab as a spyware offender. Google found that this lab is developing some tools which are enormously utilized in the exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities to induce some cyberattacks on iOS and Android, smart device holders, in the nations like Italy and Kazakhstan.
The RCS Lab utilizes a blend of techniques, comprising unusual drive-by downloads, as initial infection vectors. In addition to the blog, Google further elaborated that the RCS Lab has effectively developed some tools to spy on the private data of the aimed users’ devices.
Based in Milan, Italy, RCS Lab has claimed to implant successful affiliates in France and Spain, as its official website claims European Government agencies in the client’s section. It further added to deliver “cutting-edge technical solutions” in the respective lawful interception background.
In addition to the comments made by RCS Lab on its official website, the company added that it offers “complete lawful interception services, with more than 10,000 intercepted targets handled daily in Europe alone.” Moreover, the organization and its management team were inaccessible for comment and did not respond to any email queries.
Allowed the Authorized drive-by downloads
Broadly defined as the downloads that varied users permits without knowing the consequences that can happen along with them, the “authorized drive-by” tactics thas has been a periodic movement utilized to contaminate both iOS and Android devices as per Google officials.
The RCS Lab iOS drive-by majorly minds Apple instructions for dispensing owning in-house apps to several Apple gadgets, a Google official said. In addition to the facts, it was also stated that RCS Lab also uses ITMS (IT management suite) formalities and signs payload-bearing applications along with a proper certificate from 3-1 Mobile, all this from an Italy-based enterprise enlisted in the Apple Developer Enterprise program.
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