Reel Thumbnails can be Changed on Instagram

Did you ever think that the Instagram that you’re using can be hacked and reels thumbnails? Can be changed without your permission and acknowledgment? Freaky, Right? Yeah, Why not? Everything in a certain diameter can be changed or could be hacked with certain measures.
Most commonly, with the help of the internet, every internet-connected device can be hacked with some techniques and tools that are available in the market. But what made the Instagram reels’ thumbnails changed without resulting in any commotion?
The bug is dissipating security for Insta Users
This Bug was actually allowing the attackers to change the thumbnail of the User’s Reels. Which is simply just annoying, not that big of an issue. But still, it was giving chills to the users that without permission from the actual user how can somebody change the thumbnails over the reels.
So, while investigating this case, a researcher named Neeraj Sharma has given the following statement. According to him….
“This issue was found in the edit thumbnail functionality for Instagram reels. To discover the vulnerability he intercepted Http requests. Due to this Bug, the attacker could actually create disturbance among users by changing their clip_media_id and upload_id.”
It was found out that the thumbnails could be easily changed by only using the media_id. Moreover, as you know that C-I-A is an important part of Information Security, however, just because of this bug the Attacker violated the Integrity.
Also, due to continuous disturbance in controlling management, the accessibility of the victim was disregarded.
What happened after it was discovered in Instagagam?
After Analyzing the situation, the researcher sends a message to “Meta” by holding a Big Bounty Program. In a few days, this became a challenge for the Tech Giant
Researcher was rewarded with $45,000, and the bug was patched by “Meta”. Moreover, next to this reward the researcher also received a bonus worth $4,500. The sum total was $49,500 for alerting the party in time.
Due to this case, many Insta users were really afraid to continue the consumption of the service of Instagram. Even they were afraid of their Data’s Safety and how things would go if someone who has got this feature could even look into the Personal Account & Data that could be sensitive for the person holding it.
Advice to the Users
Users are advised that they must not take this thing lightly. They should run only the Latest Version of Instagram because hacking an Old Version is simply easy because Attackers can get the way to break into the Security Controls easily.
This incident happened due to a lack of proper preparation. Now, you should think about how things here and the Cyber World are changing with rapid growth. If you want to be a Professional Cyber Security Expert, you can join the 1 year Cyber Security Master Diploma offered by Craw Security with world class learning faculty.
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