Cyber Attack Victimized Philadelphia Inquirer: Largest Cyber Attack in Decades

Philadelphia Inquirer
A Cybercrime caused the biggest disruption in 27 years for the daily operations of Sunday Print Edition. On Saturday, employees got stuck while checking the paper’s content-management system cuz it was not working properly. That’s how the cyber attack got discovered.
Death notices and other classified ads won’t start showing up until Wednesday.
Lisa Hughes, Inquirer Publisher
The paper “discovered anomalous activity on select computer systems and immediately took those systems off-line.”
Hughes said the company was looking into co-working arrangements for Tuesday.
When continuing contract negotiations pick back up, guild leaders, according to her, want to make sure that the agreement “reflects what the business requires to do to protect us against cyberattacks and other things we have to worry about in this new age.”
The company has notified the FBI, and an investigation into the scope and particular targets of the assault is currently underway.
The Philadelphia Inquirer & The Philadelphia Daily News are published by the same firm, and the cyberattack caused the biggest disruption to their publishing since a blizzard in January 1996.
Diane Mastrull, Weekend editor, Monday
Three nights of Taylor Swift concerts, a playoff game 7 for the Philadelphia 76ers, and mayoral candidates making their closing arguments to voters made for an “extraordinarily busy weekend. I’m amazed to say we got all of that coverage on our website in our electronic edition on Sunday and then in the papers today.”
According to her, that was a remarkable achievement from the admin’s side; one needed patience from media & editors using detours to write and edit stories, also, in “a blank moment” to report on the paper. The early “bulldog” edition of the newspaper, which omitted the Saturday-written stories, was issued to subscribers on Sunday. However, on Monday, subscribers received “the full Monday paper on their doorstep,” and Workers anticipate that will continue on Wednesday morning, “when people will be looking for election results.” She is also the president of the newspaper’s guild. “We asked questions and did not get many answers, and that has frustrated the staff, but I understand it’s a very complex situation,” she said. She continued by saying that customers and staff are still concerned about if their personal information has been exposed. For at least until Tuesday, employees are not permitted to work in newspaper offices, according to the corporation, which said this was required “because access to company internet servers has been disrupted.” |
The Philadelphia Inquirer & Philadelphia Daily News employees and other suburban papers are all represented by the NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia, which is presided over by Mastrull.
Inquirer reporters contacted the FBI in Philadelphia, which declined to comment, according to the newspaper.
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