Not Just 2023, 2024 will also Witness Significant Advancements in AI


Not Just 2023, 2024 will also Witness Significant Advancements in AI

Consider AI to increase in size, quality, power, and cost in accordance with the law of scaling, as it consumes more processors, larger datasets, and approximately one trillion parameters.

In the context of technological advancement, each significant development expands upon the foundation laid by preceding innovations and enhancements. In this regard, 2023 was a turning point, not only due to the numerous innovations it introduced in the fields of artificial intelligence, semiconductor design, augmented reality, Wi-Fi, and more but also due to the foundation it established for subsequent developments.

Consequently, 2024 holds great promise as a year of technological advancement, witnessing the construction of exceedingly sophisticated systems, increased prevalence of these potent systems, and the development of innovative end-use applications that capitalize on this recently discovered potential. As the year commences, the following are some contemplations regarding forthcoming developments, as well as subjects that elicit both anticipation and apprehension.

Everywhere AI

AI dominated the news in 2023, with OpenAI and ChatGPT at the forefront of the buzz train. And we can anticipate more of this trend in 2024. This is attributable, in part, to the sector’s immense untapped potential, which has only lately been recognized. A further reason is the advancements that will occur in this field in the future years as a result of competition.

Presently, every major chip manufacturer is scrambling to gain a competitive edge in the realm of generative artificial intelligence; this has resulted in a proliferation of devices outfitted with specialized AI processing hardware.

Various companies are making strides in neural engine performance, including Intel (planning to ship 100 million Meteor Lake chips with their first integrated NPU) by 2025), AMD (introducing the Instinct MI300 series of chips), Snapdragon (introducing 8 Gen 3 chips that support models with up to 10 billion parameters on-device, and Apple (rapidly improving the performance of their neural engines in their iPhones). Almost every major participant desires to gain an advantage in the AI game. Also, beginning next year, specialized AI hardware will likely be as ubiquitous as Bluetooth modems.

Larger Systems in AI

The development paradigm of artificial intelligence adheres to the law of scaling, which essentially states that the overall capability of the final model improves as computational capacity and dataset size increase. Now, as the AI battles heat up and the largest, wealthiest companies vie for the upper hand, enormous resources will be devoted to training the most advanced and massive models.

Google has recently unveiled its Gemini model, of which the Ultra variant is said to have more than 1.5 trillion parameters and has cost between $1 and $2 billion to develop. In the same way, Anthropic is prepared to transition to models worth a billion dollars by 2024. Furthermore, OpenAI has almost undoubtedly already allocated a comparable budget to train its GPT 5 model for the next generation.

We can anticipate 2024 to be replete with enormous multimodal AI systems that possess astounding levels of general intelligence. Additionally, this process will be expedited by the newly released processors from Nvidia and AMD, namely the Instinct MI300 and H200 series chips, which are capable of processing significantly larger datasets at exponentially faster rates.

One Year Of Control

The European Union enacted its provisional AI Act in December, which categorizes AI applications into four risk levels and regulates them based on the potential harm they may cause. Late in October, President Biden issued an executive order concerning trustworthy, safe, and secure artificial intelligence.  India is also debating and crafting AI regulation in an effort to establish a minimal regulatory framework for the technology.

In 2024, the most significant election year in the history of the G20, this process of AI regulation ought to be significantly accelerated. Given the resurgence of disinformation, deepfakes, and social engineering for the purpose of manipulating elections via AI, 2024 is anticipated to be rife with a plethora of novel and intriguing debates on regulation, as well as governments tackling the task of regulating it with much greater urgency.

Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality

There is much to be optimistic about in this industry, what with the introduction of Apple Vision Pro in 2024, which will advance the capabilities of augmented reality and virtual reality, and Meta & Ray-Ban’s smart glasses, the first genuine attempt at discrete everyday-wear smart spectacles since Google Glass. Future-proof, lightweight headsets with significantly increased resolution and computational power will dominate augmented reality and virtual reality in 2024.

Material Science Advancement

Google announced in November 2023 that its DeepMind researchers had discovered more than 2.2 million crystal structures using the artificial intelligence tool GNoME, a monumental achievement for material science. According to the Nature article that describes these discoveries, the quantity is more than 45 times greater than the total number of such substances discovered in scientific history (48,000), and it is equivalent to approximately 800 years of experimental investigation.

Currently, in 2024, considerable R&D effort is devoted to the investigation of these crystals, an endeavor that will have far-reaching consequences for advanced computation, superconductors, battery technology, and renewable energy, among other things.

Wi-Fi 7

As a result of the proliferation of smart devices and the subsequent increase in the number of connected devices, our expectations of Wi-Fi protocols and routers have continued to grow. In response to these increasing demands, the Wi-Fi 7 protocol of the next generation has been designed to be a significant advancement.

With promised speeds that are 4.8 times faster, 100 times reduced latency, and 5 times greater network capacity, the enhancements will significantly surpass the Wi-Fi 6 standard. By 2024, this standard should have achieved widespread adoption, as evidenced by the introduction of new devices and significant advancements in applications like 8K streaming and multiplayer gaming.

Overall, these are only a handful of the technological advancements that we can anticipate. Ongoing conflicts are expected to give rise to novel cyberattacks and the utilization of cyber weapons. China is anticipated to achieve greater progress in its chipmaking endeavors than its rival Western counterparts.

Additionally, the country will make advancements towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and will witness an increase in lawsuits targeting Google and Apple for monopolistic practices. Furthermore, there will be a greater integration of AI coding assistants into Javascript libraries, among other developments.

As usual, technology will be a veritable avalanche of developments and changes that will leave each follower bewildered and captivated.

About The Author:

Yogesh Naager is a content marketer who specializes in the cybersecurity and B2B space.  Besides writing for the News4Hackers blog, he’s also written for brands including CollegeDunia, Utsav Fashion, and NASSCOM.  Naager entered the field of content in an unusual way.  He began his career as an insurance sales executive, where he developed an interest in simplifying difficult concepts.  He also combines this interest with a love of narrative, which makes him a good writer in the cybersecurity field.  In the bottom line, he frequently writes for Craw Security.


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